Friday, February 6, 2009

Birthday Celebration! (and an SSD FOBTY)

Tomorrow is my brother, Lex's 2nd birthday and the preparations are dizzying. I made his invitation and even though it's not going to be held at home, there's so much things to prepare for a children's party. But I know it'll be so much fun! Last year, we had a blast on his first birthday. Most of the guests were from people at the office, and even though I try not to mingle too much with colleagues outside of work (we end up talking about our projects, how pathetic is that?) I still enjoyed myself. Bosses are so much fun to talk to when the discussion isn't revolving around IT infrastructural development. :D

Speaking of birthdays, this week SSD's From Our Blog To Yours challenge talks about birthdays. I posted earlier this week that SSD had an anniversary sale and to continue the celebrations, we have this fun blog challenge for a super sweet point! ;)

Let's see, my favorite birthday memory? It's gotta be from when I was 10. I had been so envious of the Superstar Barbie that my sister had received from one of her godmothers during Christmas of the previous year. On my 10th birthday, my parents got me a matching Barbie to tide me over. It wasn't as glamorous as the Superstar Barbie that my sister had, but it was the first Barbie that I ever received that wasn't a hand-me-down from my older sister or some other cousin. That really made a mark in my memory.

I also had a party that year, the 3rd one I had in my life, I believe. The first party was when I was 1, second when I was 7 and then when I was 10. The parties stopped after that, but we would always have a family get-together during birthdays just to celebrate and be with each other.

These days, since I'm living in a different country, I celebrate with my boyfriend, and even though I miss the family get-together, a quiet, intimate meal with someone I love is enough for me to celebrate as well.

Also, he gives the most amazing rose bouquets. ;) Check this one out from my 2006 birthday:

Flowers are mad expensive in Singapore, and I really appreciate the gesture, that he goes all the way to get these wonderful, ephemeral gifts. He's the only boyfriend I've had to ever give me flowers. The rest had been too cheap (I could understand, we were still students then LOL) or just un-romantic. XD

Ok, enough now. This has been a really long post. I guess I enjoyed reminiscing birthdays more than I thought I would. Initially, I thought I didn't even want to think about it because I'm always at work during my birthday. Does that suck or what? :p

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