Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ok ok ok...

I've neglected my blog long enough :p

I got caught up with so much work in the past few days, and I've been so stressed over one of our projects, which is going live in less than 30 days. For about three weeks up to last week, I had awful dreams about getting severity 1 issue calls in the middle of the night. Yikes!

After a while, I just decided that my job isn't going to become less demanding or stressful if I knock myself out with worry, so now I'm just letting each day come. My bosses know the sheer amount of effort going into successful implementation of each of my projects, and I hope once our company recovers from the recession, I get a good pay package (otherwise I'll be hunting for a good severance package LOL)

Anyway, I wanted to post a couple of my favorite layouts I've done recently. There's been a lot so I just want to point out those which I think I just really love:

I did this one for the Paper 2 Digi Challenge, which is like my favoritest challenge ever ever ever! I'm very much inspired by seeing those gorgeous paper scrapped pages and I love to pick up design styles from paper scrappers. Because of this, I think I've also shifted away from those fantasy type layouts and kits which have been very popular recently. I really much prefer these pretty patterned layouts!

The über fabulous Armina gave me a personal little sale on her store (coz she's just that awesome!) and I whipped up this fab summery page with them! I think her stuff are just simply top notch and I've been a fan of hers since some of her earlier stuff! Take a peek at her store, you won't be disappointed by her stuff! :D

I don't know, this layout is just so cute!! I'm so in love with Eva Kipler's super cute kits! i think it's just perfect with this adorable photo of Creed!

OK, that's it for now. I'm up for scrapping some SUTUCS pages LOL! Yeah, I'm taking part and crossing my fingers to win some GCs at A5D! LOL


ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Very nice layouts! Good luck with your projects!

joelsgirl said...

Those are all fun, but I espeically love the one with the big hot air balloon!